Slowly coming back after baby break
Some time before and especially after the birth of our daughter in February 2013 my activities came to a halt. Like for every parent, perspectives and focus (literally…) changed a lot. I take one year off my real job to take care of the baby. However there should be time to get back to photography and everything related. As I didn’t make any plans after the birth there is only one scheduled shooting in 2013. Which means, enough time to schedule more and do some more new things. I intend to practice, experiment and learn a lot. Experiments and improvement means (almost) everything in photography, doesn’t it?
I will also take some time to rework my photos from the previous years and finally fill this website with live and add my „classic“ and awarded photos from various categories. In addition I want to continue to build my social network on various channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, and some others that make sense to me (please see the Links page). However I want to make sure I don’t get lost in the social jungle and use only what’s making sense. I want to try a few German services for photographers, add a few videos to my YouTube and Vimeo channels. And then there will be the shop, some day soon…. But besides all this I will take pictures, more pictures and even more pictures.
The baby and the baby break changed my life forever. In the most wonderful way. As my husband is helping and supporting my photography plans and is working a lot on his own ideas, dreams and skills, photography now more than ever has become a family hobby for us. How lucky am I :) ?